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Greengeeks vs Siteground : And The Winner Is…

Greengeeks vs Siteground
Greengeeks Vs Siteground

Now there is an infinite range of hosting services that one can select. But, the crucial question is which one is the best? Or is there even a hosting site that can give you all the desired features at an affordable cost? But there are still many good options; though they might only fulfill some of your desires, some can come very close to it.


So, here we have the answer for you. Now, we have compared Greengeeks vs Siteground for your convenience. Therefore, we dived into the vast details of how both hosting sites compare and found out if there is even a winner. If you desire to know more, keep reading.

Greengeeks vs Siteground : general overview

With GreenGeeks, hosting could not be more environmentally friendly. Moreover, this environmentally conscientious service uses renewable energy credits to offset three times its energy usage. And the best news does not end there, though, as the web host also provides premium services like SSDs and real-time security monitoring.

However, high uptime rates, extraordinary security measures, and site construction tools are all features of our second host, SiteGround, which are crucial for your online success. So, let’s explore the offerings from each host to learn how we selected the winner.


SiteGround Hosting
SiteGround Hosting

Besides award-winning customer service, the company provides a complete complement of web hosting options, including a free Cloudflare CDN, cPanel with SSH access, unlimited MySQL databases, and bandwidth.


So, the company has always been known for its customer support, which drives the unique solutions created to make hosting as stress-free as possible. Additionally, an in-house chat program designed by SiteGround lets users choose and rate thoroughly verified customer support representatives with whom they’ve previously collaborated.


Furthermore, the business also developed its ticketing system, which includes an algorithm for selecting the best technical support agents for a given assignment. Also, a 99.7% customer satisfaction rate is the outcome, which is achieved by immediate responses to phone calls and chats and 10-minute responses to email tickets.


Lastly, a unique server isolation technique designed by SiteGround for shared hosting stops susceptible servers from taking down entire networks.


Greengeeks Hosting
Greengeeks Hosting

It’s challenging to comprehend how something ethereal, like a webpage, could be causing climate change. Unfortunately, the web hosting sector is on track to overtake air travel as one of the biggest polluters in the world due to the tremendous electricity use of its millions of servers and thousands of data centers.

So, CEO Trey Gardner, who is also an active surfer, hiker, and skier to positively impact the environment and has built seven other hosting companies, founded GreenGeeks in 2008.

For this, the business buys wind energy credits to replace more than three times its energy. Although the noble mission is already striking, GreenGeeks offers excellent hosting plans that can stand independently.

Greengeeks vs Siteground : Quick Comparison

Here, we have a summarized comparison of various aspects of both hosting sites.

Greengeeks Siteground
Starting price
$2.49 / month
$4.37 / month
Free domain
Not Available
Shared Hosting
3 plans from $2.49 to $439.00
3 plans from $4.37 to $656.58
Dedicated Server
4 plans from $2.49 to $439.00
3 plans from $4.37 to $656.58
3 plans from $2.49 to $439.00
3 plans from $2.49 to $439.00
3 plans from $4.37 to $656.58
Money back guarantee
30 days
30 days
Disk Space
50 GB SSD - Unlimited SSD
10 GB SSD - 40 GB SSD
Domain Name
New or Transfer
FREE (1 year)
Hosting Type
Shared, VPS, WordPress, reseller
Shared, cloud dedicated servers, WordPress, reseller, custom enterprise solution.
Control Panel
Site tools

Greengeeks vs Siteground: speed and uptime

The infrastructure of the web servers used by the two hosts differ significantly. While SiteGround uses a stack that blends the traditional Apache and the more adaptable NGINX, GreenGeeks operates on LiteSpeed. Now, both options are practical, but GreenGeeks’ system handles requests more effectively.


Despite this, SiteGround does have more locations for data centers. So, customers can select from various European and North American servers from both hosts, but SiteGround also offers two places in the Asia-Pacific area.


Compared to HDD servers, SiteGround, and GreenGeeks provide SSD storage, significantly improving your website’s content delivery. Additionally, the dashboard includes a free CDN you may use once your website becomes online. But still, we need to know which one is the best. So, for that, we ran a few tests.

Furthermore, we tried two separate tools to test the quality of speed and uptime of Greengeeks vs Siteground hostings.


  • Pingdom test to monitor the uptime, performance, and interactions of your website
  • GTmetrix test to evaluate the speed of your website

Pingdom Test:

Greengeeks Siteground
Pingdom Test Of GreenGeeks
Pingdom Test Of GreenGeeks
Pingdom Test Of Siteground
Pingdom Test Of Siteground

GTmetrix Test:

Gtmatrix Test Of Siteground & GreenGeeks
Gtmatrix Test Of Siteground & GreenGeeks
Gtmatrix Grade & Score Of Siteground vs Greengeeks
Gtmatrix Grade & Score Of Siteground vs Greengeeks

Winner: Consequently, Siteground is the clear winner. Even though Greengeeks had a much better uptime and performance, Siteground has taken 

Greengeeks vs Siteground: the cheaper option

A tight rein on spending is necessary to get a decent hosting provider. Therefore, most consumers choose websites with the best features at fair prices.

Last but not least, we compared Greengeeks and Siteground’s price points.

Siteground offers better value:

SiteGround offers a variety of economical hosting options to suit your needs while maintaining the ideal mix between technological innovation and first-rate customer care. Moreover, the company concentrates on custom-built technologies to give powerful and satisfying user experiences and inexpensive web hostings benefits like a free website builder and unlimited bandwidth.


Despite having one of the higher prices for shared hosting, SiteGround’s service is more than worth the money, thanks to its updated SSD-powered infrastructure and extra benefits. So, SiteGround offers an excellent balance of speed and security, an integrated SSL certificate, daily backups, and a CDN.


Also, you may connect with knowledgeable, dependable agents you’ve previously had success with, thanks to SiteGround’s in-house ticketing system and personalized chat software.

Furthermore, every month, SiteGround uses dummy accounts to assess the responsiveness, attitude, and efficiency of its own and its rivals’ support teams. So,  the staff at SiteGround pays attention to what competitors are doing effectively and works to enhance their offerings.

Offers from Siteground:
  • 4 caching options plus staging and Git
  • FREE website transfer service to get started
  • User-friendly WordPress installation
  • 9% uptime guarantee and unlimited traffic
  • 24/7 support featuring custom systems
Greengeeks offers cheaper pricing:

GreenGeeks offers an outstanding combination of features perfect for small business owners, bloggers, or web developers and appealing to all site owners. Moreover, the limitless domain names, SSD RAID-10 storage, unrestricted data transfers, nightly backups, and integrated caching tools will be appreciated by knowledgeable customers.


Conversely, beginners will like the marketing and SEO tools, free website builder, and hands-free migration service. However, GreenGeeks offers a wide range of services integrating cutting-edge technology with straightforward usage rather than just highlighting the SSD upgrade.


In addition, GreenGeeks provides a wide range of parts at competitive costs with those of other top hosts using infrastructure powered by SSDs. Also, the most economical hosting plans that use classic hard-disk drives typically cost a few dollars more per month than those powered by more recent, more effective solid-state drives.

Offers from Siteground:
  • 24/7 support via phone, chat, and email
  • Unlimited and scalable computing resources with RAID-10 storage
  • 1-click installations of 150+ apps
  • Proactive server monitoring and real-time security
  • Unlimited domains & email accounts

So, which one to choose?

So, if you still need clarification about which one to go for, here is a quick recommendation. Now, if you are low on budget but need to start a website, Greegeek will be your best friend.

However, if budget is not a problem and you are looking for something more valuable, Siteground would be perfect.

Reseller WordPress VPS Woocommerce Hosting Plans
$39.95 /mo
$100.00/mo (cloud hosting)

Winner: the prices offered by Greengeeks are rather reasonable; additionally, their premium version is comparatively more affordable than Siteground.

Greengeeks vs Siteground : security features

There is no compromise when it comes to security features. Nobody wants their sites to be hacked or disturbed by any third party. So, for that, security measures always come first, and both Greengeeks and Siteground make sure to keep their users’ privacy as their top priority. However, in this scenario, one might be ahead of the other.


GreenGeeks and SiteGround both offer excellent basic security.


Regardless of your chosen plan, both include a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Furthermore, container-based technology keeps client accounts separate, ensuring that your website won’t be impacted even if one of your server neighbors contracts the virus.


Real-time security scans are carried out on top of proactive infrastructure monitoring by GreenGeeks and SiteGround. So, this is an excellent deterrent to DDoS attacks, preventing a cluster of servers from functioning for days.

There are more items on the list. Also, both web providers offer proactive upgrades and patches for robust software like WordPress and spam protection for your emails. So, you can rely on the two hosts’ daily backups in case of a hardware failure.

Winner: However, ​​with Siteground’s proprietary web application firewall (WAF), which has a solid track record of defending against known vulnerabilities in programs like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress, SiteGround has a modest advantage.

Greengeeks vs Siteground : customer support

GreenGeeks excels most in the support department. Let’s look more closely.

Live chat, phone, and ticket assistance are all available around-the-clock from SiteGround and GreenGeeks. That being said, sometimes it can be challenging to contact SiteGround’s help. After filling out a tedious contact form, you must wait an average of 30 minutes before starting a discussion.


However, when you eventually contact customer service from Sitegorund, they will be kind and supportive. For instance, if you had trouble with the SSL certificate, your agent would happily do it. So, this support will make the wait worth your while.


But, when it comes to Greengeeks, there is no waiting time. So, your inquiries will be dealt with almost immediately. And you can ask them as many questions as possible, and they will take their time and answer each one. The agents at Greengeeks will go the extra mile for you whenever the need arises.


Moreover, this does not mean that Siteground has terrible customer support. The only difference is that Greengeeks is relatively quick in taking action and listening to your issues.


Ultimately, both hosts have a wide variety of knowledge base that allows you to find solutions. There are multiple step-by-step options for you as well as tutorials.

Winner: Greengeeks is the definite winner for its quick customer support.

Greengeeks vs Siteground : ease of use

Now, another essential feature to check is which site is easier to navigate. Here, Siteground might be taking the lead.


The user interface is provided in a traditional cPanel arrangement, which essentially puts everything in the user’s field of vision and makes it simple to navigate the menus. Lastly, our only criticism is that it is a remnant from the early 2000s.


On the other hand, SiteGround offers its customers access to a user area that contains a wide range of tools for managing websites.

Additionally, it enables customers to modify the WordPress user interface via the web hosting service. Also, the available site tools are cutting-edge and brand-new and can help improve website management.

Winner: Due to the modern features and advanced dashboard, Siteground wins this round.


We have a winner in this exciting battle between Greengeeks and Siteground. So, with its advanced and latest technology, Siteground stays ahead of Greengeeks in this comparison. Also, from fast speed to incredible features, Siteground provides the best services. However, the only problem is their slow customer service. Although Siteground is twice as expensive as Greengeeks, its incredible quality will still justify its prices.


However, being low on a budget will make you choose Greengeeks, which still has such good features that won’t disappoint you. So, do not hesitate before choosing Greengeeks if you want good quality on a low budget.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Is GreenGeeks a good option?

For small and medium-sized businesses, GreenGeeks is a well-rounded host. Also, for people who care about climate change..


  1. What makes Siteground the best?

Their modern technology keeps the performance up-to-date.


  1. Which operating system does Greengeeks use?

Greengeeks uses Linux/Unix operating system.

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